Three Phase Separator Analysis in MySep Engine
Separator Optimization in MySep Studio
Digitalization Separator in MySep Studio
Scrubber Design in MySep Studio
Separator System in Modelling Process Simulation Including MySep Engine

Optimizing Processes for Separation Constraints

The Industry Standard Software

MySep Business Goal

Optimising Oil & Gas processes, to maximise margin and increase reliability, through mitigation of phase separation constraints.

Separation is a critical operation in production, midstream and downstream processing facilities.  The opportunities to increase production revenue and margin, on typical facilities, are of the order of $100s of millions per year.

icon operator


Assured process performance, validation of vendor solutions, rigorous modelling in digital twins, more efficient project execution, reduced down time.
EPC icon

Engineering Contractor

Accepted standard for design. Independent verification of vendor guarantee. Reduced project timescales and improved project execution. Increased know-how and design insight.
icon Equipment supplier

Equipment Supplier

Recognition by industry for accepted design practice. Improved understanding of process constraints. Increased client confidence in proposed solutions.
icon process simulation user

Process Simulation User

More realistic & robust simulations with physically-based rigour in separator unit operations. Dynamic & steady state modelling for design, optimisation of operation, trouble-shooting and operator training systems.
Gas Scrubber Design in MySep Studio
Separator Performance in HYSYS with MySep Engine

MySep Studio

Rigorous performance calculation for existing separators and new vessel designs.  Bi-directional communication with all leading process simulators

MySep Engine

Rigorous performance modelling embedded in steady state and dynamic process simulations

MySep Foundations

MySep software builds on over two decades of industry know-how, proprietary research and modelling. It has gained wide recognition by separation experts in leading Oil & Gas companies.

MYSEP Masterclass – Digital Twin Real Value

MySep's Tom Ralston and Wim Moyson present at this industry leading event. Using a production process digital twin, with MySep Engine rigorous separator models, they show how remediating separation constraints can yield increased revenue of > $300 million per year.  

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